
Once your project is setup, you need to add pages, you will be working on, to it.

Adding pages

From the command line type:

npm run add-page "Page Name"

for example

npm run add-page "Home"

You can also create multiple pages at once by separating page names with space:

npm run add-page "Home" "About Us" "Contact Us" "News"

WordPress Website

When you add a page on WordPress project:

  • Twig template is automatically created in wp/wp-content/themes/[your-theme]/templates/page-{page-slug}.twig
  • Page is accessible at project-name.test/{page-slug}
  • If you haven't before, flush the rewrite rules Settings -> Permalinks -> Save changes

Static Website

In Static project, it creates Twig template in src/templates directory or it creates Twig templates or markdown files in content directory if it is used. The project index is regenerated (if it's used) and the page is added to it.

Removing pages

To remove the page remove its template or content file, and remove it from WP Admin or project index if necessary.